There are two exhibitions showing at the Hayward Gallery at the moment, Pipilotti Rist's "Eyeball Massage" and George Condo's "Mental States". Visitors are free to take pictures or make video recordings of Rist's installations, but not of Condo's stuff. While there are signs in the Condo show in the upper gallery warning visitors against touching the exhibits (the "don't take pictures" signs are fewer, and more discreet), there's nothing in the downstairs gallery telling people that they can take pictures, nor anything to warn against touching. I had to point this out to an "invigilator" who objected to my pulling Pipilotti's swimsuit aside in order to get a better look at the video screen within.
Train2Game and TIGA
Train2Game are one of those odious companies which threaten legal action
every time they are criticised or their business practices are put under
Strange Games
After I had agreed to organise the 2014 Board Game Studies Colloquium at
UCS, it dawned on me that I probably ought to contribute a paper to the
Maker Faire UK 2014
[image: image]
We were back at the Maker Faire in Newcastle for our forth time - we were
there at the first in 2009 with our proverbs, we walked in 2010,...
RobotBASIC: A STEM-focused Progamming Language
I’ve been talking with John Blankenship on LinkedIn about RobotBASIC, which
allows students to control robots as well as create simulations and video
Abyss Dive
Diving into the waters of the ocean, the main character did not yet
suspect all the dangers that the depths of the world's oceans conceal, but
Tiltfactor Research Has Impact
Did you know that our recent construal research is used by corporations
like Samsung as they consider digital vs paper virtues? Or that game design
Google Already Won
A federal judge has declared Google a monopolist. In a 277-page decision
released yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta concluded that
the onl...
Testing, But At What Cost?
Although vaccination rollouts are viewed as the catalyst for the recovery
of travel, GlobalData reports that the pricing of PCR tests is also a
critical ...
Moviestorm operatic feature film showing
An update on Libertaria the Virtual opera by Sabrina Pena Young.
The film will be shown at Opera America in NYC on November 4th ... in case
you are in the a...
Bike Alert wins Guardian reader award
Back in November I was asked to be one of the “cutting edge” developers at
the Power of Minds Hack with Honda, organised by Rewired State, in one word
it w...
Flooding Gaiamar
A true story of what happened in the pre-alpha testing last night in Stars
Reach. It began as an upwelling under a basement. Oh, ever since the crater
Boxing Cleverer
What makes a sport popular - then not? A chat broke out on Twitter. One of
those chats that tells you that Twitter can be a terrible place to chat. So
Since Then
For part of the 1970s, London-based viewers of the TV soap 'Crossroads'
were six months behind the rest of the country. I can't remember why, but I
do r...